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  2. Departments
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  4. Computer Science & Engineering

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at PMEC is renowned for imparting state of the art undergraduate education and preparing its students for real world challenges. We attract the brightest students from the country who score very high ranks in the JEE-Main, arguably the toughest entrance exam for any academic institution. Our alumni have done extremely well and the list of their achievements is too big to list here, which include managing top companies, designing revolutionary products, and contributing to fundamental research.


The Department is committed to continually improve its educational environment in order to develop graduates with the strong academic and technical backgrounds needed to achieve distinction in the discipline.


  • To provide theoretical and applied foundations of computer science and train students to effectively apply this education to solve real-world problems.
  • To build a strong teaching environment that responds swiftly to the challenges of the 21st century.


The Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) of the Department of CSE are to:

  • PEO1: Understand the theoretical foundations and limits of computing at different levels of abstraction.
  • PEO2: Adopt new tools, techniques and methodologies for effectively solving challenges of current trends.
  • PEO3: Encourage the students to work in teams and carry out the research.

Some reasons why you should consider joining us :

Strong Undergraduate Program:

  • The undergraduate curriculum provides a strong foundation in all areas of computer science.
  • The recently revised curriculum has reduced course load and greater emphasis on design and project work. It emphasizes the need for independent thinking and encourages students to get involved in interesting and novel projects. Further, a significant increase in the open category credits enables students to have a broad base and pursue interests and develop expertise in other areas like Mathematics, Communications, Computer Network, Image Processing, Robotics etc. in addition to core Computer Science.
  • In addition to the course projects, a typical undergraduate student does two projects during his/her stay.
  • The department has state of the art facilities for carrying out projects in computer graphics, vision, networks, distributed systems, hardware design and artificial intelligence, Image Processing, Social Networking, Andriod.
  • Students are encouraged to come up with ideas on their own and the department provides all the facilities required to materialize those ideas into actual projects. Many of our student projects have won awards in various competitions. Our students also publish regularly in reputed journals and conferences.
  • The undergraduate curriculum gives the students sufficient freedom to choose courses with emphasis on a particular area of computer science. The department has expertise in all the core areas of computer science and its faculty are well-known for their research activities.

Faculty Student Interaction:

  • The department has a strong facultyfrom leading universities of India and active in research. The department also attracts a regular stream of visiting faculty members. Our faculty are diligently involved in training students and preparing them for the future ahead.
  • The students interact freely with faculty on all matters related to studies. The curriculum gives them ample opportunity to work in close cooperation with any faculty member. Students are free to approach faculty for short term (a summer or a semester) project or long term projects.

Cultural Activities:

  • Students are actively involved in organizing various cultural activities.
  • The PMEC campus provides a green and pollution free environment.
  • It provides facilities for various sports activities and hobbies.

Special Features of the Department:

The Students are imparted with cutting-edge technology, training and hands-on experience on live projects to meet the requirements of new age industries. The students are encouraged to participate in the global project competitions and also encouraged to publish their research work in national and international Journals/ Conferences. Students have participated and won many programming and modelling contests across the country. Students are participating and winners in Infosys Aspiration 2020, IBM TGMC, IIT/NIT tech fest, Google coding, TCS coding contest etc. Students have also participated in various international forums.

Areas of the Department which is good for Placement Purpose:

Programming Skills(C, C++, Java, Matlab, Python), Problem Solving Approaches (Data Structure and Algorithms), Designing of E-Commerce Solutions (.Net, PHP, J2EE, J2ME, Software Testing). For special and lateral Placement : Mobile application Development (Andriod App), Social Networking and Big Data Analysis( Hadoop) and cloud Computing.

Message from HOD's desk

Welcome to the department of Computer Science and Engineering at Parala Maharaja Engineering College, Berhampur, Odisha. The department works with the objective of addressing critical challenges faced by the Industry, society and the academia. Perhaps even more important is our unceasing commitment to our students, helping them to learn, grow, develop, and achieve their goals in their pursuit to excel in their professional career.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering is one of the strongest department in Parala Maharaja Engineering College with an active presence in vast Computer Science research areas. The department’s graduate programs continue to draw from a very strong application pool. The department was established in the year 2009 and since its inception the department has evolved to pioneering the state of Computer science and engineering education in South Odisha

The department faculty work with excellent team spirit in different technical teams which lead to key research publications  in these areas. The department strives to provide a conducive environment for the students to develop analytical and practical skills and apply them to real world problems. The department has three on going projects from different funding agencies to keep fueling its passion towards R&D. To motivate the students the department organizes regular training in state of art software & hardware, arranges workshop, technical events, seminars & industrial visits.

We welcome you to the Computer Science and Engineering Department as a promising student and we hope to be part of your success.

Mrs. Ranumayee Sing


Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
Parala Maharaja Engineering College, Berhampur, Odisha


Courses Offered

The department is offering 4 Year B.Tech Degree course in Computer Science and Engineering.

page under construction

Regular Faculty

Mr. Kodandadhar Naik

Assistant Professor (Level 13)

Areas of Interest:

Computer Organization, Architecture, Cloud Computing, IOT

Dr. Debasis Mohapatra

Assistant Professor (Selection Grade)

Areas of Interest:

Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Modeling, Social Networking, Complex Network, Data Science

Mrs. Sasmita Rani Behera

Assistant Professor (Selection Grade)

Areas of Interest:

Cloud Computing, IOT, Networking, Software Engineering

Mrs. Ranumayee Sing

Assistant Professor (Selection Grade) (HOD in-charge)

Areas of Interest:

Soft-Computing, Optimization Engineering, and IoT Service Management using Fog

Mrs. Mitali Sinha

Assistant Professor (Senior Scale)

Areas of Interest:

VLSI, Partitioning problem, Real Time Systems, Software Defined Networks

Dr. Rashmi Ranjan Sahoo

Assistant Professor (Senior Scale)

Areas of Interest:

Wireless Sensor Network Security, Cloud Computing, IOT, Networking, Block Chain, Machine Learning, Deep Learning

Dr. Niranjan Panigrahi

Assistant Professor (Senior Scale)

Areas of Interest:

Edge Computing, Time Synchronization Problem, Quality of Service (QoS), WSNs, Soft Computing, Intelligent Systems for Smart City

Dr. Kalyan Kumar Jena

Assistant Professor (Senior Scale)

Areas of Interest:

Image and Video Processing, Machine Learning & Deep Learning, IoTs and Sensor Network, Recommender Systems

Dr. Sourav Kumar Bhoi

Assistant Professor (Senior Scale)

Areas of Interest:

Computer Networks, Distributed Networking, Vehicular Networks, Internet of Things, Edge & Fog Computing, Information Security, Cryptography, Steganography

Guest Faculty

Mr. Amar Ranjan Dash

Guest Faculty

Areas of Interest:

Web Accessibility, Algorithm Optimization

Mrs. Subhasmita Nibedita

Guest Faculty

Areas of Interest:

Database Engineering, Online algorithms, and self-organizing data structure

Mrs. Rashmi Rani Panda

Guest Faculty

Areas of Interest:

Algorithm optimization,cloud security

Mrs. Chapala Maharana

Guest Faculty

Areas of Interest:

Data Mining, Soft Computing

Ms. Amrita Dash

Guest Faculty

Areas of Interest:

Web Designing, IOT & AI/ML

Mr. Ashish Kumar Mohanty

Guest Faculty

Areas of Interest:


Ms. Monalisa kar

Guest Faculty

Areas of Interest:

IoT, Cryptography

Laboratory Facilities


The department has the following well-equipped laboratories to cater to the needs of the undergraduate programmes. Five nos. of dedicated labortoray are used for the following courses.

Programming Lab (C, C++, MATLAB, Java, Python)
2Computer Network Lab.
3Computer organization and Architecture Lab.
4Software Engineering Lab.
5Database Engineering Lab. 
6Operating System Lab.
7Formal Language and Automata Therory Lab
8Computer Graphics Lab.
9Compiler Design
10Designand Analysis of Algorithm Lab.
11System Programming Lab.
12High Performance Computing Lab. (Machine Learing, Deep Learing and Parallel Computing)
Sl no.Study MaterialType of MaterialUploaded BY

1st DBMS Assignment for 5th CSE, AY 2024-2025

PDFDr. Rashmi Ranjan Sahoo
17Quick Reference to Theory of ComputationPDFDr. Debasis Mohapatra
16Database Engg. TheoryPDFDr. Rashmi Ranjan Sahoo
15Operating System TheoryPDFDr. Rashmi Ranjan Sahoo
14Database Engg. LabPDFDr. Rashmi Ranjan Sahoo
13Operating System LabPDFDr. Rashmi Ranjan Sahoo
12Compiler Design TheoryPDFDr. Rashmi Ranjan Sahoo
11Compiler Design LabPDFDr. Rashmi Ranjan Sahoo
10Operating System Lecture SlidesPDFDr. Rashmi Ranjan Sahoo
9Programming C Question BankPDFDr. Sourav Kumar Bhoi
8Programming C Programs for Practice/Lab ManualPDFDr. Sourav Kumar Bhoi
7OOP using Java Question BankPDFDr. Sourav Kumar Bhoi
6OOP using Java Programs for Practice/Lab ManualPDFDr. Sourav Kumar Bhoi
5C Programming Lab ManualPDFDr. Kalyan Kumar Jena
4Compiler Design Question BankPDFDr. Kalyan Kumar Jena
3DS Lab ManualPDFDr. Kalyan Kumar Jena
2Java Programming Lab ManualPDFDr. Kalyan Kumar Jena
1OOP using Java Question BankPDFDr. Kalyan Kumar Jena

The faculties of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering have received research grant from diffrent funding bodies.

Academic Year



Title of ProjectFunding Agency/Scheme

Proposed Cost of the Project


Proposed DurationPrincipal Investigator/Co-Principal InvestigatorStatus of the project
 1On-Street Parking Data Analysis using Statistical Approach for Detection of Parking Violation

TEQIP-III, Govt. of India

(Collaborative Research Scheme)

Rs. 5, 00,000/-12 months

PI: Dr. Shiv kumarSahoo, Mathematics


Mr. DebasisMohapatra, CSE

Dr. Niranjan Panigrahi, CSE






2018-192Smart Irrigation System for Drought Prone Areas using IoT based Intelligent Infrastructure

TEQIP-III, Govt. of India

(Collaborative Research Scheme)

Rs. 6,51,000/-12 months

PI: Mr. ASHUTOSH BHOI Government Engineering College, Kalahandi

Co-PIs: Mr. RAJENDRA NAYAK GCE KalahandiBhawanipatna



Parala Maharaja Engineering College


IGIT Sarang


On-Street Parking Data Analysis using Machine Learning Approaches for Parking Behavioral Study in Smart Cities


CRIS-TEQIP-III, BPUT, Rourkela, OdishaRs. 2,97,000/-12 months

PI: Dr. Tapas kumar Mishra,

NIST, Berhampur


Co-PI: Dr. Niranjan Panigrahi, PMEC, CSE

Event Name Date 
Workshop on Recent Trends in Computer Science and Engineering: PYTHON and DATA ANALYTICS 26th-30th Aug 201926th to 30th Aug. 2019 
Workshop on High Performance Computing Using PARAM SHAVAK19th to 22nd Aug. 2019 
Three Days Workshop on LATEX Technical Report Writing23rd to 25th July 2018 
 TEQIP-III Sponsored Short Term Course on Data Structure Using 'C' - 201825th to 29th Sept. 2018